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Dentists specialized in dental implants in Madrid and Toledo

Implantology involves placing titanium screws, attached to the bone, which develop tooth root function. You can replace a piece, several or all of the dental arch.

  • Immediate prosthetic implant. The prosthesis is placed on the very day of surgery.
  • Post-extraction implant. The damaged tooth is extracted and the implant is placed immediately.
  • Implants with no surgery. The implant is inserted through a small hole in the gum without stitches and less traumatic.

Oral Surgery

Within the Oral Surgery we perform wisdom teeth extractions, simple and complex, located within the maxilla or mandible, with or without involvement of adjacent nerve areas.

We also conduct cyst excisions, apicoectomies, torus bones, maxillary sinus elevations, guided bone regeneration, salivary gland diseases, abscess drainage…

Invisible Orthodontics

Teeth malposition is corrected by Orthodontics, both aesthetically and functionally. The stage of growth and development is the ideal time to detect and treat bone problems and teeth with fixed or removable appliances. Though, there is currently no age limit to correct the teeth.

  • Pre-surgical orthodontics.
  • Fixed Orthodontics. With aesthetic or metal self-ligating latest generation brackets (Damon, MBT, Roth Williams).
  • Removable Orthodontics (Invisalign, Clear Allignear, Orthoclonic).


Periodontics is the specialty that treats the diseases of the supporting tissue of the dental pieces. At Clínica Zarate we treat each and every one of these conditions.

  • Gingivitis (inflammation and bleeding of gums).
  • Periodontitis (gum, bone and root).
  • Smoothing and root planing.
  • Splinting of teeth due to mobility.
  • Raise or lower gums.
  • Soft and bone tissue grafts.
  • Regenerative periodontal surgery.
  • Crown lengthening.


Periodontics is the specialty that treats the diseases of the supporting tissue of the dental pieces. At Clínica Zarate we treat each and every one of these conditions.

  • Gingivitis (inflammation and bleeding of gums).
  • Periodontitis (gum, bone and root).
  • Smoothing and root planing.
  • Splinting of teeth due to mobility.
  • Raise or lower gums.
  • Soft and bone tissue grafts.
  • Regenerative periodontal surgery.
  • Crown lengthening.


Odontopediatrics includes dental care for children in primary dentition, mixed, until the development of final denture, and at Zarate Clinic we treat all these conditions..

  • Decayextractions, indirect pulp capping (pulp protection from deep cavity), direct pulp capping (pulp covering due to extraction by traumatism).
  • Pulpotomy (removing the coronal pulp) and Pulpectomy (removing the pulp and ducts).
  • Dental Traumatisms.
  • Topical fluoride application (to strengthen the enamel).
  • Pit and fissure sealants (to prevent tooth decay).
  • Space Maintainers, fixed or removable (for tooth loss, until the final tooth comes out). Prevents dental crowding, incorrect bites, malocclusion, etc…

Cases of dental malposition are derived to our orthodontist specialist in aligning the teeth.

General Odontology

General Odontology is the specialty that takes care of removing the caries in teeth or fillings that have been worn by time, and restoring them with totally aesthetic fillings made of the latest generation materials (composites).

It also includes early detection of decay and oral cavity lesions, fluoridation, education on brushing techniques, flossing, mouthwash, toothpaste, dental prophylaxis or dental cleaning.

Of course at Zarate Clinic we carry out all these treatments.

Maxillofacial Surgery

Maxillofacial Surgery is performed in the operating room.

Main interventions we perform at Zarate Clinic are:

  • Orthognathic Surgery.
  • Reduction of maxillary and mandibular fractures.
  • Maxillofacial tumors.

Oral Rehabilitation

Oral Rehabilitation consists of correcting and / or restoring teeth. Missing Pieces by accident, tetracycline or tobacco stains on teeth, fracture or wear of the teeth (bruxism), diastema (gap between two teeth), and even change the color and shape of the tooth.

At Zarate Clinic we use the following oral rehabilitation techniques:

  • Porcelain veneers.
  • Teeth Whitening treatments.
  • Crown Lengthening.
  • Covers, bridges, implant-supported removable prostheses.


Zarate Clinic offers latest generation non-invasive radiology machines to perform orthopantomography.

With this technology, also called Orthopantomography, high definition images are obtained that allow our specialists to perform a correct and detailed diagnosis.